We are excited to offer you the facility to advertise your last minute cancellations, those few odd days between confirmed bookings and your special offers over the next six weeks.
From time to time, we will also offer showing extended availability. For example, Half terms, Easter and Christmas.
If you wish to advertise your properties beyond six weeks time on an annual basis, please visit www.justlodges.com and/or www.justlodgeholidays.com. A link to Last Minute Lodges will be permanently displayed from the home page of both these websites, to take advantage of the tens of thousands of visitors that visit those websites each month.
Once you have uploaded the details of your lodge and availability, we will check for typos and make it live. Once the dates of your availability have passed the details of your lodge will remain in your admin area for use another time.
You don’t have to be a client of either of our other websites to advertise with LastMinuteLodges.com. This facility is open to all.
VIEW WEBSITE(One credit is for a period of availability up to seven days)